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Is birth control bad?

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 1:26 am
by Angeldelight123
Ive been on the birth control pill Rigevidon for around 4 months now. My biggest concern was to avoid getting pregnant as much as possible, but now it's kinda hit me, I read up on the pill recently and now I'm extremely afraid of all the health risks that it comes with. I love taking my pill and it's an extremely easy method for me to use, but I'm really scared in case I get cancer or a blood clot etc :( I'm 17, and as far as I know I have not got any family that has had any medical history of a blood clot or the associated cancers. In general I am pretty healthy and the pill doesn't make me feel any different other than a few mood swings here and there. Should I be so worried? I know the risks are only a small percent, but it's still freaky and I am worried.
Any advice is really really appreciated thank you! :oops:

Re: Is birth control bad?

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 6:48 am
by Sam W
Hi Angeladelight,

When you first got on the pill, did you and your healthcare provider discuss your medical history and if that increased your risk of any side effects? If not, then it's likely there's no cause for added concern. However, if you're worried, you can contact your healthcare provider and ask them what you've asked us.