Clitoral Desensitization?

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Clitoral Desensitization?

Unread post by NP »

Okay so im a 15 year old girl and i masturbate frequently, however recently ive been having issues. It is extremely difficult for me to orgasm anymore even when i watch porn and i dont understand why. I used to get off within a couple of minutes but last night, for example it took like 50 minutes and i dont understand why? Im afraid i did something because up until now i would masturbate several times per day and it was fine but now i cant. Ive had this issue for maybe a week or so and i usually dont use vibrators or anything (ive tried it like twice) im also not sexually active. Is it possible there's something wrong or should i just take a break, if so for how long?
ALSO i dont have any issues getting aroused at all? I just cant get off, in case that helps to figure out whats wrong
Thank you in advance!
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Re: Clitoral Desensitization?

Unread post by Jacob »

Hey NP,

Welcome to scarleteen!

Please don't worry, you haven't desensitized your clitoris by masturbating. I'm not sure why the change has happened this week, but it isn't something that can be caused by masturbating. Your general health, stress levels, medication, hormonal changes in your cycle, or puberty could be factors. However, I wouldn't say anything is wrong, as 50 minutes could be what it takes many people. I'm sorry this has been so worrying, I hope you are ok!
"In between two tall mountains there's a place they call lonesome.
Don't see why they call it lonesome.
I'm never lonesome when I go there." Connie Converse - Talkin' Like You
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