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Experiences with Cloth Pads

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 9:21 am
by Sam W
Okay, I promise I will eventually start a topic not based around menstruation, but in our thread about menstrual cups, cloth/re-usuable pads have come up as well. So, this is a place to talk about your experiences with cloth pads, or to ask questions about them if you're curious about getting some for yourself.

I started using cloth pads a few months ago (lunapads, specifically), and I love them. They are so much more comfortable for me than disposable pads are (oh my god they're so soft), and I feel better about not throwing away pad after pad during my period. I've found them pretty easy to care for, although because I pair them with a diva cup, they don't tend to get super-saturated. And, I enjoy that you can get them in fun patterns and colors. I will say that the cost can be daunting compared to a bag of disposable pads, but it helps to keep in mind that you'll get to use them for years rather than a few hours.