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Not feeling pleasure during sex

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 8:24 am
by Joyfantastic
Hi everyone. Im not sure if this is common or just me, but i dont realky feel the pleasure from sexual intercourse. My partner knows this, and it us not his fault. The foreplay is great, and im always ready before intercourse, but i dont feel pleasure nor have orgasms during intercourse. Is this a medical issue?

Re: Not feeling pleasure during sex

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 8:34 am
by Sam W
Hi Joy,

This is definitely a common question from users at Scarleteen, so you're not alone in what you're going through. One place to start is with this article, to see if there's anything in it that might help you: The Great No-Orgasm-from-Intercourse Conundrum

You mention that you get pleasure from foreplay. Have you and your partner tried bringing some of the actions that are part of foreplay into intercourse?

Re: Not feeling pleasure during sex

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 3:44 pm
by Joyfantastic
Yes, we do that. I think there are deeper issues going on with me that is preventing or not allowing me to feel pleasure from intercourse.

Re: Not feeling pleasure during sex

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 6:25 am
by Sam W
Do you have a sense of what those issues might be? Too, when you're having intercourse, would you say your mind is as engaged as your body is?

Re: Not feeling pleasure during sex

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 11:24 am
by Joyfantastic
One of the issues is my sexuality.....i just feel that there is more to my sexuality than what im getting. I want to be able to explore more avenues.
Another issue is that i am the type of person that get bored really fast, not only with my sex life, but with other things in life as well. It has nothing to do with my partner or his performance, he is great, but i feel like i need more. Hope that makes sense

Re: Not feeling pleasure during sex

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 12:11 pm
by Danny S.
Can I ask what you mean by more avenues? It would be helpful to have a better idea of what you're getting at here.
Also, have you spoken to your partner about this? Do you feel like you could have a conversation with him about what gives you pleasure and what doesn't? It might be a matter of slowing down with intercourse and trying out other kinds of sex instead.
Here's an article I think might help you out: How to Understand, Identify and Make Choices About Desire.