Tape as makeshift condom for naked humping

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Tape as makeshift condom for naked humping

Unread post by belle1108 »

Hello there!

So me and my girlfriend rarely dry hump naked because of schoolwork, and both of us know that we can't go any further than that because of the risk of pregnancy. Before, we wouldn't use any protection and I would only let my penis get my penis sandwiched within her butt cheeks with it pointing upward (doggystyle). But now, she wants to be extra safe. Is it okay if I tape the tip of my penis with lots of tape and make it super tight? We can't get condoms here in our country since they require you to be at least 18 years old and and ID. I also doubt if I will cum since we do this for like 10-15 minutes and I never ejaculated before. I will also make sure that it won't go near hear vagina.
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Re: Tape as makeshift condom for naked humping

Unread post by Heather »

Tape cannot reduce the risk of pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections. So no, no matter what you do with it, it can't stand in for a condom. (Also: ouch.)

I'd suggest you two either keep your undergarments on for this or get more crafty about getting condoms. For example, one of you likely knows someone who is over 18 who you could ask to help get you condoms.
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