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BJ and Cold Sores

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 3:35 am
by teganmarie
Hi, over the weekend myself and the guy I am seeing had sex. we did use condoms but did have unprotected oral sex (multiple times). Today I have broken out with a cold sore (day after sex). I was wondering if there is any chance that I may have given him genital herpes/cold sores. I was also wondering (probably a silly question) but if kissing him and then him giving me oral sex over the weekend could result in me getting genital herpes. Thanks xx

Re: BJ and Cold Sores

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 5:08 am
by Sam W
Hi teganmarie,

The best place to start answering those questions are these articles. If there are things that are still unclear after those, we'd be happy to answer them:
HPV & Herpes: Why Safer Sex Isn't Always Safe Enough
The STI Files: Herpes