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No real pleasure anymore during orgasm?

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 6:49 pm
by Oshino
So for whatever reason I hit a huge crisis and I won't sugar coat what is going on so laugh if you want but whatever.

I believe for the past week or so when I masturbate(every day) I feel basically nothing at all and I noticed it is kind of harder to get up and harder to get horny.
For example before when looking at porn instant hard on but now not really anything at all, I get a little but not near as much. So I don't know what is going on, nothing lately changed with me that would cause something like this that I know of, nothing physically or mentally. I can still do it easily so it's not like it is taking me 30 minutes to jerk off.

And I am 24.

Re: No real pleasure anymore during orgasm?

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 9:47 pm
by al
Hi there Oshino, and welcome to Scarleteen!

First of all, we wouldn't laugh at your situation, we're here to talk about things and help however we can!
So in terms of this issue you're having with arousal, has this ever happened for you before? Lots of people have experienced times like this in their sexual experiences, whether it's with someone else or not. Sometimes it can be an indication that things are getting a little stale. Have you tried taking a break from masturbation or switching up the type of porn you've been watching?

Re: No real pleasure anymore during orgasm?

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 12:50 am
by Oshino
al wrote:Hi there Oshino, and welcome to Scarleteen!

First of all, we wouldn't laugh at your situation, we're here to talk about things and help however we can!
So in terms of this issue you're having with arousal, has this ever happened for you before? Lots of people have experienced times like this in their sexual experiences, whether it's with someone else or not. Sometimes it can be an indication that things are getting a little stale. Have you tried taking a break from masturbation or switching up the type of porn you've been watching?
No this never happened before. No not taking a break. And open yes I tried.

Re: No real pleasure anymore during orgasm?

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 6:20 am
by Sam W
Okay, then one possible next step would be to take a break from masturbating for a bit. When we've been doing something sexual frequently, the novelty can wear off, which can decrease our enjoyment of it. You mention you use porn a lot when you masturbate. Do you also sometimes go without porn and use your imagination instead? If so, do you experience the same issues when you do that?

Re: No real pleasure anymore during orgasm?

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 10:14 am
by Oshino
Sam W wrote:Okay, then one possible next step would be to take a break from masturbating for a bit. When we've been doing something sexual frequently, the novelty can wear off, which can decrease our enjoyment of it. You mention you use porn a lot when you masturbate. Do you also sometimes go without porn and use your imagination instead? If so, do you experience the same issues when you do that?
well stop doing that for a while will be tough and no always porn. and I've been doing it like for literally forever I don't see why it would just act up now

Re: No real pleasure anymore during orgasm?

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 1:57 pm
by Heather
The simple answer is that even when our habits or practices stay the same, our sexualities and sexual response is very, very unlikely to stay the same through our whole lives. It's much more likely that we will experience changes and shifts.

Too, often when we keep doing the same thing for a long time, we can (and this is pretty common) exhaust our response to it, as Sam mentioned. When that happens, we'll usually need to change something up -- whether that's about what we are doing physically, what we're being stimulated by, a partner, a fantasy, etc. -- so that we have something new to experience and respond to.

Re: No real pleasure anymore during orgasm?

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 9:08 am
by Oshino
Just an update, for whatever reason basically everything is back to normal. No idea why I didn't change anything.

Re: No real pleasure anymore during orgasm?

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 3:43 pm
by Mo
Thanks for the update! Sometimes things like this will happen, and it's not always clear why - I'm glad to hear that things are back to normal, though.