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Please help Odd change in period and not sure what to think

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 3:05 pm
by jennamac1
So i was supposed to start my period about 2 days ago and it has been pretty regular lately and I had all the signs pointing to my period coming. However, instead of blood instead there is brown discharge that looks like clots. 2 days ago there was more but there isn't very much right now. I have had sex with my boyfriend but always with a condom and we always check it after, last time was January 10th. We are always completely safe.I have done a lot of research and a lot of sites talk about chance of pregnancy with really scares me and STI's of some sort. The discharge does not seem to have a strong bad odor that many of the sites say to watch out for, but I'm not totally sure. I am 16. Is this a normal thing? Is my period just late? It has been irregular in that past but I really don't know.
Please help me out. I am stressing heavily which is probably making things worse hahaha. Thank you!

Re: Please help Odd change in period and not sure what to think

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 3:20 pm
by Heather
Menstrual flow can look like this sometimes, so by all means, this can just be a menstrual variation.

Per assuring this isn't about an infection, are you current with your general sexual healthcare, including your STI screenings? If so, unless this is a new sexual partner since your last screening (or you two aren't exclusive), you can likely rule out an STI. If you're not current, it's best you get up to date with that healthcare, and would be important even without your current concerns.

Re: Please help Odd change in period and not sure what to think

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 4:01 pm
by jennamac1
Yes I believe I am up with my healthcare so that is good. So you think this is most likely just a normal thing? Should I be worried if my period does not come at all this month?

Re: Please help Odd change in period and not sure what to think

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 4:25 pm
by Heather
Sometimes menstrual periods will look different than we are used to, sometimes our cycles will change, and sometimes we can even skip a period, all when nothing major is up or wrong.

Generally, my best advice is to leave what's probably a variation for a month (and by all means, folks who are concerned about STIs or pregnancy can test for either if they like) and see what happens. If after that time, you still feel concerned, or new things seem off, to then call your sexual/repro healthcare provider about it.

But too, you can also do that anytime, as well. :)