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Performance anxiety and libido

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 2:08 am
by Jk2911
Can performance anxiety and the stress out of it cause men to have lower libido and eventually start to avoid sex with their SO or with any girl, just do masturbation and porn as it is the "easy" way to get a orgasm and just to avoid sex and talking about it out of embarrasment, shame and disappointment?

Re: Performance anxiety and libido

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 5:23 am
by Sam W
Hi Jk2911,

That certainly happens for some people. Too, they can get caught in a cycle where they're anxious about sex, try to be sexual with someone and have that anxiety lower their libido , so they continue to view sex as anxiety producing. However, as mentioned in the article we linked to in your other thread, one of the ways to deal with that situation is to communicate openly with a partner about what's going on, rather than avoiding the issue.