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Sex EDC - Safer Sex Pouch!

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 2:52 am
by Jacob
So I have a glasses pouch which I have been using to store condoms in and carry in my main bag 'just in case'.

It happens to be exactly the right size for...
  • a few condoms,
  • some lube,
  • a small tooth brush and
  • a block of solid deodohrent I got from lush.

At the same time I have recently got a habit for watching youtube videos of 'EDC' and every-day survival kits. Its largely an excuse for (almost exclusively) men showing off the guns they own... sigh... which is pretty weird and therefore fascinating for me (why are people like this? what is going on?)... then I'll geek out about how they store first-aid stuff and what notebook they use! Then I realised that my 'sex pouch' is pretty much the same thing.

Does anyone else have something like that?

What's in your Sex EDC?

Re: Sex EDC - Safer Sex Pouch!

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 8:43 am
by TheConfusedOne
I don't have a sex EDC, but I do have a few stuff that I carry everywhere with me... in tiny ziplock bags because they're the only things that fit into these silly tiny female pockets on female pants! D:

I carry a vicks inhaler, eye drop, lip balm, comb, pantyliner, pocket mirror and an extra hairtie, because you ALWAYS need a hairtie with long hair! A sex EDC sounds very useful though... I might wanna put together one myself!

PS: I geek out on similar videos lol, mainly those that include paracord and pouches made of paracord, because paracording is my hobby hehe. They give me ideas, I've been planning a paracord saddle bag!

Re: Sex EDC - Safer Sex Pouch!

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 4:08 pm
by Mo
I've used the same small knitted condom cozy for a few years; it holds 2-3 condoms, a dental dam, and a pair of folded up latex gloves if I'm on top of my folding game. I'm thinking about making a new one that has room for a little bottle or packet of lube too! I don't carry it around with me all the time but it's definitely on hand when I travel.

Re: Sex EDC - Safer Sex Pouch!

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 12:11 pm
by Jacob
I confess maybe saying I carry it everywhere was an exageration.

Re: Sex EDC - Safer Sex Pouch!

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 7:22 pm
by Mo
It's a noble goal, though! You never know when you might need it.
I may have told this story here before, but my little condom case saved me from having to give up some snacks I was bringing into an event - the security guard was searching my bag and was so embarrassed to see condoms that he just waved me on through without investigating further. :)

Re: Sex EDC - Safer Sex Pouch!

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 3:56 am
by TheConfusedOne
That happens to me with my pads xD I DO have a Period EDC, which I carried with me EVERYWHERE I went... well, I used to. Now that I'm on the pill and no longer have classes, I only carry them when I'm expecting or on my period. I have gotten away with hiding stuff like snacks in said pouch too heh!