Fantasy birth control and safer sex devices

Questions and discussion about contraception, safer sex, STIs, sexual healthcare and other sexual health issues.
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Fantasy birth control and safer sex devices

Unread post by Heather »

If you could have a means of contraception, safer sex, or both, that don't (yet!) exist, what would they be?

I'd really have always just liked a simple on/off switch for my uterus, when it comes to babymaking, myself. You want the babies, you turn it on. You don't, you shut it off, without having any of the effects something like a hysterectomy has, or the cost or invasiveness of a tubal or IUD.

Also, I'd love it if there were a condom that basically was attached, at the base, to a dental dam. Not only would it likely reduce everyone's HPV and genital herpes rates down to almost nothing if people used it, you'd basically have something that was about as multi-use, all in one little package, as it gets!

Oh! And lubricant that self-adjusted its consistency to what you needed it to be. In other words, if what you were doing really required something thicker, it'd go thicker. If you were already pretty self-lubricated, it'd stay thin and spare unless that changed.
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Re: Fantasy birth control and safer sex devices

Unread post by Snorkmaiden »

I've always wanted a detachable uterus. So that I could donate it to someone who wanted to get pregnant but couldn't.

And what about a lube that had the same protective properties as a condom does? Wouldn't that be pretty great?
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Re: Fantasy birth control and safer sex devices

Unread post by Heather »

Snorkmaiden: you know about microbicide research, yes? :)

If not, have a peek: ... icides/en/

We're getting there!

(I love the idea of a uterus that can be a loaner!)
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Re: Fantasy birth control and safer sex devices

Unread post by Mo »

I am definitely ready for microbicide technology to level up! I'd love to see an easily-accessible lube that protects against STI transmission & pregnancy without the potentially irritating effect things like nonoxyl-9 have.

I saw an article recently about an implant in development that could be a very long-term contraceptive implant; it would be great to have something like that readily available where people could easily adjust medication levels and turn it on/off if they wanted to become pregnant.
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Re: Fantasy birth control and safer sex devices

Unread post by acb »

Woah, microbicides are definitely my discovery of the day. My idea was going to be some sort of vaccine for STIs.

I quite like getting my period in a bit of a hippy-ish connected-to-the-rhythms-of-nature way and although the pill works great for me I'd like some way of stopping eggs from being released without messing with hormones. I'm thinking maybe an on/ off switch for just my ovaries - perhaps a trapdoor in my fallopian tubes which keeps all my eggs tucked away until I need them?

Or maybe just some more birth control options for people with penises.
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Re: Fantasy birth control and safer sex devices

Unread post by Ruth »

As someone who's on quite a lot of interacting meds, though this is way less out there, I would love a hormonal contraception that works like the combination pill (three weeks one/one week off) without estrogen in - because I can't have extra estrogen, and none of the progesterone only options really appeal to me.

Definitely what acb said, though - contraception for penis-havers is so not-a-thing in the way that it could be!
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Re: Fantasy birth control and safer sex devices

Unread post by Snorkmaiden »

Wow, that microbicide technology sounds very interesting.

Wouldn't it be cool if there were something that could be worn around the testicles during any kind of sex, and that would result in 'shooting blanks' as if the wearer would have had a vasectomy? I'm imagining something like a pouch, with a little strap over the penis to keep it in place, that magically makes sperm non-viable.
It would be practical because it would be very visible that the wearer was using contraception. And it might even look and/or feel nice.
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Re: Fantasy birth control and safer sex devices

Unread post by ratperson »

I second the pouch-to-kill-sperm! That sounds like a wonderful idea. Maybe a lotion that's rubbed on half an hour before the first sex-session, that lasts 24 hours? that way people could have sex multiple times without worrying about it.

I wish there was a way to remove only fallopian tubes. Leave ovaries, uterus, and all the supporting ligaments, but cut off fallopian tubes and stitch shut the uterus where they previously connected. That would be less risky than a tubal, as eggs can't fly several inches into a closed surface (Unless they're super-eggs, in which case, donate those suckers!). There'd be no risk of ectopic pregnancy, and it would be an alternative to a hysterectomy (if the hysterectomy is being gotten purely to prevent pregnancy). I'd get it, because I've known for years I'd prefer to be childfree and that way I wouldn't have to worry at all. ^^

Weren't they producing a male contraceptive (pill or injection, can't remember) in India or somewhere similar a few years ago? That would be nice, especially the injection - easy to remember, not too painful, long-lasting, etc.! And men produce sperm cells so quickly there'd only be a few weeks/months waiting time, instead of the months/years waiting time after the female contraceptive shot, for fertility to return. :D :D
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