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Spotting 1 week before period is due on BC?

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 12:52 pm
by suchening
Hi all-
I had a quick question to ask. Yesterday, I noticed a brown discharge on my underwear and today it's less like discharge and more like the end of a period (when the blood is brown and very light), however it really only comes out when I wipe. I am on Blisovi fe 1/20 and have been since November. I have not missed any pills since December, I take my pills within typically a 2 hour-ish window, 9:45 pm-12 am, each day. I have not had sex with my monogamous partner since December and I have not missed any periods. He was tested for STDs after he stopped having sex with his last partner and tested clean. I have been tested for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia and have neither. We do still engage in foreplay but in none of those occasions did any ejaculate or precum get in or near my vagina, plus I take my pill every day without fail. I am just curious what this brown discharge could mean, If I should be concerned at all about it. I am seeing my gyno in less than a week anyways for an unrelated matter so I am going to ask her this when I see her. I just wanted to get any opinions before I went to my appointment. Thanks in advance :-)
Edit: there's also 1 other question I have been meaning to ask. Once you've been taking birth control pills properly (at the same time everyday, not missing pills) you are protected from pregnancy at any time during the month... Like the placebo week or the first week of your new pill pack ??

Re: Spotting 1 week before period is due on BC?

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 11:04 am
by Heather
In terms of your last question: yep! And your pill is equally effective every day of the cycle including on the placebo week. :)

It's really impossible for us to know what this discharge is. By all means though, sometimes mid-cycle sp[otting happens for people, including those who use hormonal methods and use them properly. It doesn't sound like you have any cause for concern here, given you are current with all of your sexual healthcare and aren't mentioning any other issues, but by all means, your OB/GYN can back that up for you at your appointment.