Chest binding

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Chest binding

Unread post by Smalltransboy »

So, I'm a closeted trans boy and my mother refuses to accept me.
In the past, I've binded unsafely which lead to my friend (bless him) buying me a binder.
The first day I got it, I pulled it on and wore it for about an hour.
The next day, I wore it about 5 hours, with 15-30 minutes breaks between each hour to get my ribs used to it, due to them being ridiculously sensitive.
The day after that, I was at the worst of my cold. So I didn't bind.
The day after I was the sickist, I pulled it on to continue getting my ribs used to it. But as soon as I pulled it on my chest hurt. Every time I pulled it on, I was met with pain.
So, I blamed it partially being still kinda sick.
Today all I have is a slight stuffed up nose, so I decided I was healthy enough to bind. (When I binded for thr 5 hours, I was more sick than I am today).
And I pulled it on, no pain.
I wore it for about an hour and by the half an hour mark, I was in pain and it was upsetting me.
It fits fine, and I adjusted my chest.
I'm really upset because I need this binder but it seems my ribs are refusing to get used to it.
Any reasons for the pain? Should I be concerned?
Danny S.
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Re: Chest binding

Unread post by Danny S. »

Hi there, welcome to the boards!
I'm so glad you had a friend to help you, it's so important to have a support network. It's great that you're letting your body adjust to the binder a little at a time, but I'm sorry that you're still experiencing pain.
Are you sure that the binder is the right size for you? Have you measured yourself? That could be the problem! Too-small binders are not a fun time. Do you know the brand or the store that your friend got it from?
What kind of pain are you experiencing? Is it more bruising/muscle pain or more chest pain like having trouble breathing right? If it's the latter and you are sure you're wearing the right size, you might just need to wear it for shorter periods (at least for now) with breaks in between. I've been binding for a few years and I still get spells of not being able to breathe, and it sucks. When I'm out and about I usually find a bathroom, take the binder off, and sit for a few minutes to take some deep breaths. If you're already stuffed up it could make it even harder to breathe.
There's a good section on binders in this article: Trans Summer School: Gender Expression Gear. Let me know if you have more questions, and good luck with this!
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Re: Chest binding

Unread post by Smalltransboy »

I measured a couple times (bc my anxiety was flipping crap) before my friend bought it, and I asked a couple friends who have binders what size (bc I was kinda in between sizes) I should get.
My binder's from gc2b and as far as I can tell, it fits.
Earlier it was kinda like a short of breathe pain (I took it off at that point) and it was kinda like an achy pain, similar to the pain I was having after binding for awhile.
I've almost broken ribs in the past (my own stupidity, mixed with dysphoria) and it didn't really feel like that kinda pain.
But then again, my ribs are hella sensitive and they ache at the smallest stuff too.
(I'm sorry if this is a mess/doesn't make sense, my anxiety is making me a bit spacey)
Also, thank you for the info.
Danny S.
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Re: Chest binding

Unread post by Danny S. »

Okay! Can I ask what size gc2b you got? I know a few people, including myself, who have had trouble with gc2bs for larger chests. I've found that underworks works best for me- their double panel in the front is a little more stretchy than gc2b's, which made it feel less constricting. It might also be a matter of length; I like full-length binders because they give my back a little more support, but some people feel that full length is too constricting in the stomach area or on the hips. For sensitive ribs, I would just make sure you're giving them lots of breaks throughout the day and definitely not wearing it for more than 8 hours a day. It's also important to try to have some off days- if you're home on a sunday or something and feel up to not binding, leave it off for at least most of the day, if not all of it.
Would you/ your friend be able to exchange the binder easily?
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Re: Chest binding

Unread post by Smalltransboy »

I got a small (my chest isn't that big) and a half tank (I think that's what it called anyway)
The next time I get a binder, I'll check out underworks tho
I'll definitely give me ribs a break whenever possible.
Sadly, he wouldn't be able to due to him living in the states while I live in Canada (internet friends whoop)
Danny S.
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Re: Chest binding

Unread post by Danny S. »

Okay! So I think try out giving your chest small breaks throughout the day and seeing how you feel, especially after you're fully recovered from being sick. If you're still feeling sore or if it gets any worse, you might want to see a doctor to make sure there's not any damage from the unsafe binding you were doing before.
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Re: Chest binding

Unread post by Smalltransboy »

I also realized it could be possibly from my binder being new, and not broken in yet.
Thank you for the advice!
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