I feel like a burden?

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I feel like a burden?

Unread post by bikinksterboy »

i'm in general a pretty horny person. of course I still respect boundaries and let my partner do his thing and act accordingly, but lately he has been less interested in sex, and I've respected his new attitude, but i somehow feel bad that Im "up for it" so often, as though I'm pestering him. How can I get over this? (I've already talked to him about this before, and he's tried to reassure me saying I'm not bothering him and such, but it's still been itching at my mind)
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Re: I feel like a burden?

Unread post by Carmen »

What do you think is causing it to still itch at your mind? (Are you noticing any physical/verbal cues from your partner that insinuate that it is bothering him? Or, on the other hand, are there any reasons that might be causing you to be thinking of yourself as a burden even if you know it is not true?)
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Re: I feel like a burden?

Unread post by bikinksterboy »

he's made offhand comments about how it's occasionally annoying, but then when i overcompensate by apologizing too much he says it's fine
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Re: I feel like a burden?

Unread post by bikinksterboy »

recently though not really
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