Taking pregnancy tests

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Taking pregnancy tests

Unread post by alexa93 »

You know the deal I had sex bla bla bla, testing two weeks after intercourse is really really the right time to have a trustworthy answer? Or should I retest. I think I'm regular but I never keep track of my periods :? .
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Re: Taking pregnancy tests

Unread post by Karyn »

You want to wait two weeks minimum; if you can stand to wait three weeks it's probably not a bad idea. And, if you've already tested at the two week mark, there's no harm in retesting if you want some reassurance about the result.
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Re: Taking pregnancy tests

Unread post by alexa93 »

Excelent. WILL do.
It's a bit confusing though, like everyone says "before your period!"
But mmm isn't the same 14 days after sex, and 14 till period ?
It's still 14 days am I right?
Nothing magical happens just because your near to your period.
Sam W
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Re: Taking pregnancy tests

Unread post by Sam W »

You can read about the whys and hows of pregnancy testing in this article: Peeing on a Stick: All About Pregnancy Tests
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