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I'm kind of numb...(trouble masturbating and with boyfriend)

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 3:10 pm
by Unknown girl
HI! I'm a 16-year-old girl and I'm having a bit of problem and im geting rwally worried... I think that im numb to some things, the only things that give me pleasure is when I get into a tab full of water, turn on the water, remove the shower head and press the tip of shower against my clitoris until I orgasm, and also when my boyfriend rubbed me trough my pants and that felt kind of nice. He one tried fingering me and I barely felt a thing, I only felt myself stretching out for the first time , I really don't think I had pleasure from that, and then when I tried fingering myself i felt absulutly no pleasure. Also when I try to rub my vulva it doesn't feel good either, only with the pressure of the water. I feel the estimulation well on my nipples but other than this things, I don't feel nothing and I feel really numb, I don't wanna hurt my boyfriends feelings and tell him that don't I don't feel nothing because he told me that he really wants to pleasure me and I'm also afraid that I won't feel nothing (but pain at first at least) when we have sex.
Sorry for my bad English and thank you for taking the time to read this.

Re: I'm kind of numb...(trouble masturbating and with boyfriend)

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 3:20 pm
by Karyn
I've already answered your question in your other thread. Please don't double post: it's against the guidelines you agreed to when you registered, and it can make it harder for us to keep track of your questions. Thanks!