Antibiotics didn't work?

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Antibiotics didn't work?

Unread post by Yoda90 »

I recently went through so many tests, because my discharge was abnormal and excessive. I got tested for pretty much everything and I especially asked to be tested for trich because I was worried that it was that. When I got my results, I was pretty relieved to find out it was BV. In its 'transitional stage', I was told antibiotics were optional for me, but I took them because it was uncomfortable to deal with. I waited about 2 weeks to take them - metronizodole. During the two weeks I had sex with my boyfriend using a condom, I thought some semen got out because there was something on my butt cheek. I'm on birth control so didn't worry about getting pregnant. I took the antibiotics a few days after for a week and thought it was going well, but I was on my period so that's probably why things were fine. (pH and all that)

However, straight after coming off my period, the weird discharge is back. And it's pretty much the same as it was before it was diagnosed. Could there be a mistake? Could the tests be wrong? I don't wanna think I caught something when the condom 'failed' (Im not even 100% sure it did) also, wouldn't the antibiotics killed that kind of bacteria too? (On the leaftlet it said metronidazole is used for genital infections). I think that's me being anxious - because I have heard BV can come back. But coming back straight away? Maybe I took the tablets wrong. Perhaps I didn't space them out evenly throughout the day. My main thought is that the antibiotics weren't effective - I just thought I'd mention about the condom just in case
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Re: Antibiotics didn't work?

Unread post by Yoda90 »

Maybe I should say that I haven't experienced anything like this before becoming sexually active, I started birth control at the same time. But since I've had a UTI, Thrush and BV.

Also my symptoms don't always match bv, although that's what the test said. It doesn't really have an awful smell sometimes it doesn't smell of anything
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Re: Antibiotics didn't work?

Unread post by Karyn »

The return of the abnormal discharge is probably due to the infection not being totally cleared by the first round of antibiotics. Sometimes that happens, and it can be more likely if you wait a while before starting treatment. I'd suggest going back to your doctor and seeing what they recommend - it might be that you need a longer course of treatment or a different medication. If you're concerned about condom failure and a possible infection due to that, you can ask about that too.
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