Sex ed

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Sex ed

Unread post by Jambo »

I had a question
Why is it that mutual masturbation does not have any risk of pregnancy even though there might be viable sperm on the hand of the person fingering the girl as many sites say there is a chance of the girl getting pregnant if there is precum on the finger
How even here it says that there is no risk even with precum can someone please help me out
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Re: Sex ed

Unread post by Jacob »

Hi Jambo,

We go by the scientific information available to us. Infertilisation requires a bunch of healthy, fresh, wet and as you say 'viable' sperm. Pre-ejaculate is not that.

Someone's hands would have to be literally soaked in fresh sperm for a pregnancy to happen... not an invisible transference of microscopic portions precum from multiple surfaces

I can't comment on why other websites might be giving the wrong information. My guess is that they are under-pressure to dissuade people from sex by making any form of sex sound scary. That isn't our approach, and nor is spreadng bad information!
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Re: Sex ed

Unread post by Jambo »

So fingering someone with a tiny amount of precum does not pose a risk
Sam W
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Re: Sex ed

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Jambo,

It looks like we've already given you an answer to this elsewhere (plus, we answer it many times on our main site), so I'm going to ask that you do not ask us this particular question again. If you have other questions about sex, bodies, or relationships, we're more than happy to answer those.
And you to whom adversity has dealt the final blow/with smiling bastards lying to you everywhere you go/turn to and put out all your strength of arm and heart and brain/and like the Mary Ellen Carter rise again.
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