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Is It Normal For Orgasms To Not Be As Strong?

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 8:47 pm
by jackojacko2000
Hi, I've been masturbating for a while now (2 years) and at first it felt really good and I would be "rock hard" but now I masturbate maybe once a day and it just doesn't feel as good or as strong. It stills feels good, but I'm usually pretty disappointed when I'm done. And it's a lot easier for me to lose my erection, if I just stop for a couple seconds I get a lot softer and can't get back to that level of erection even though it is still hard. And even when I am hard, it doesn't feel super rock hard. Is this normal? Am I just getting bored of it? It seems like I just masturbate out of habit every night, not because I feel horny. It feels good when I masturbate and when I cum, but it doesn't feel as overwhelming and as powerful as it used to.

Re: Is It Normal For Orgasms To Not Be As Strong?

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 9:20 pm
by Karyn
Yep, it's totally normal. Orgasms won't always feel the same way; sometimes they're really intense, other times not so much. Too, when you're relatively new to any kind of sex (masturbation or with a partner), things can feel more intense just because it's a new sensation. On top of that, if you aren't really wanting to masturbate - very turned on in your mind as well as physically - it's not likely to feel as good as when you're very aroused.

Some people find that taking a break from masturbation or sex for a few days can make things more intense; trying different kinds of stimulation can help too. No matter what you do, though, orgasms don't always feel the same, they won't always be mind-blowingly intense, and that's just part of being human. Bodies aren't machines, and they don't always behave exactly the way we want them to. :)