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Intense cramps on new HBC

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 6:49 pm
by Jgf1988
Hi everyone. I'm looking for some insight and/or advice. After being off HBC for a few years my cramps and bleeding were really bad so I decided to try the pill again. The HBC my doc initially prescribed gave me terrible nausea so she took me off that and prescribed me tri-lo-sprintec. Since starting my first pack I've had no issue with it up until now.

I'm currently on my last week of active pills. I know technically I'm supposed to get a withdrawal bleed next week but my period came this week anyway. I expected it, assuming my body would need time to sync up with the pill and get used to it. I've been tracking my cycle so I knew it was gonna come.

The first two days it started off very light, more like spotting, with "old" dark blood etc and no cramps. In the last two days the bleeding has gotten a bit heavier (not nearly as heavy as I'm used to) but what's killing me is the cramps. The pain is constant. It takes a lot out of me. Pain reliever hardly touches it. I can still make it through work but other than that I've been glued to the couch. These cramps are much worse and have lasted longer than any I've ever had. I'm wondering at what point I should worry? Does this sound normal?

I'd appreciate anyone's input.

Re: Intense cramps on new HBC

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 5:16 am
by Sam W
Hi Jgf1988,

Ouch, intense cramps like that are no fun. Given that you've recently switched methods, it's possible this is a side effect of the new birth control. But you can't really know that from one month, so you may have to see if they become a pattern. If they do and it's really unbearable, I would check in with your doctor. It could also be that this period just happened to come with intense cramps. PMS and period symptoms can vary from month to month, so someone who normally has mild cramps may get a month here or there where the cramps are horrible.

If you find these cramps are happening past the point where they could be connected to your period, then that would definitely be a time to get to a health care provider.