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In need of advice

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 11:46 am
by junawesley
Okay, so I first got my period when I was 16 years old and ever since they have always been really irregular. Even months apart. My last period was sometime in July... I think in the beginning. Now, I am 18 and just lost my virginity August 8th. We used a condom and everything was done properly (it didn't break, it was removed safely, etc). The problem is, is that I haven't gotten my period and it's been almost 2 months since I had sex. I took a pregnancy test about three weeks after having sex and it was negative. I also have had zero pregnancy symptoms....

So, I need some piece of mind. I'm guessing that this is just my period being irregular (which is normal in my menstrual history)... but what would you suggest I do? I don't feel comfortable talking to my mom about this.. and i dont want her to freak out. Should I take another pregnancy test? I spent so much time in the last much worrying about being pregnant. When I took the test and it was negative I thought that I wouldn't have to worry anymore. Honestly I'm freaking out again.... even losing sleep.

So what should I do? I really need some support.... I really don't think i am pregnant...

Re: In need of advice

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 12:10 pm
by Heather
Most often, when something like this happens and there clearly is not a pregnancy, it is either due to the stress added around all of this, or just a total -- and obviously troubling! -- coincidence.

Would you feel better taking another test? Or how about getting you connected with a sexual healthcare provider, which it's time for anyway, if you're sexually active, where you can start getting the general healthcare you already need and also have them look into this for you?