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DIY Sex Toys: Self-Love Edition!

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 9:53 am
by Heather
Pop Quiz: What activity can help you de-stress, fall asleep, and, for most people, also feels quite nice?
If you answered "masturbation," congratulations, you are correct! Yay! Now, for a bonus question, can you tell me: which off the following can be used during masturbation?

A) An electric toothbrush
B) Your hands
C) Back Massager
D) All of the above and so much more

If you picked D, then you win again! And what you win is an explanation of where this increasingly odd quiz is going. (Sorry, we're all out of oversized stuffed animals this week.)

We commonly have users asking about ways to acquire sex toys for masturbation. For many young people, finding a vibrator or other sex toy can be difficult, as not everywhere has a sex toy store near them (many cities have zoning laws that either forbid places that sell sex toys entirely or keep them on the outskirts of town). And, even if there is a sex toy store nearby, if you're under 18 it's likely that the law prohibits those places from selling their products to you in the first place.

There are some other factors that might make you uncomfortable with buying or having something explicitly marketed as a sex toy. If you're living at home with your parents or other guardians, you may not feel comfortable with the possibility that they'll see that you got a delivery from an online sex toy distributor. Or maybe you're even nervous about having to explain what, exactly, is in that nondescript package you just got. And, some people simply aren't comfortable with having something that is obviously a sex toy in their house where their parents (or sibling, or dog) might find it. So, what's a person who wants to explore vibrators and other toys to do?

Get savvy about the ways to safely D.I.Y your own!
Read all about it in this great new pieces from Sam and Izzy here! ... ve_edition