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Female vegina problem after sex

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 6:47 pm
by Ds
Hello doctor, I am having sex with my gf from 1 year. We had sex on 14th April 2017. After 2 time sex, she was feeling pain in her vegina. In that pain we had sex next morning. Now she is feeling like everything will come out of her through her vegina. She is facing pain in vegina and frequent urine problem after sex. Please tell me is it nornal or what is it?

Re: Female vegina problem after sex

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 8:53 pm
by Redskies
We aren't doctors, we're sex and relationships educators. We can give lots of information about many sex-related things, including sexual health, but we cannot give a medical opinion about someone's health because we aren't healthcare providers. Too, no-one should try to diagnose anything over the internet.

Vaginal pain and problems urinating indicate that something isn't right. If she has had pain or trouble urinating for several days, she should see a healthcare provider so she can get it checked, and get a diagnosis and treatment if needed. If she has severe pain at any time, she should see a healthcare provider, because severe pain should always be checked quickly.

If she needs any help with accessing healthcare, your girlfriend is very welcome to make an account with us herself and we'll be happy to help her figure out how to get that healthcare.

Any time that someone has genital pain, it's a good idea not to have genital sex until they feel better. Sex when someone's in pain usually causes more pain, and can cause injury. Just like with any other part of the body, if it hurts, you're probably best resting it and letting it recover. If something starts hurting during sex, it's best to stop doing anything that hurts, and only do things that feel good for everyone.