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Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 9:56 am
by gatesy08

I feel like I've been through a lot this past month with my birth control.

I am normally a perfect user. I take my pill at 6 p.m. everyday. This month I was on vacation for a week. During that week I got the time zones mixed up and took my pill 2-3 hours early twice, then realized my mistake and took the rest at the correct time when I am from.

The other thing that happened was twice I took my pill with me in a baggy because I was worried we wouldn't be back to the hotel to take it in time. This meant that in sat in my backpack outside (where it was hot) but in the shade. I made sure of that.

I had an upset stomach for about 3 days while there. I could keep my food down and I wasn't running to the bathroom a lot but my poop was loose stool or just very little coming out but when anything did it was loose. That has me worried.

And lastly, I packed my birth control in my checked luggage because I thought it could get taken away from me through security (dumb now I know). So there I think my birth control wasn't stored properly and that could have an effect on it.

My boyfriend and I used withdrawal while we were on vacation. I'm not saying we're perfect, but he always pulls out about 5 minutes before he ejaculates. We do other stuff to get him off that doesn't include penetrative sex.

Help :(

Re: Worried

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 10:14 am
by Onionpie
Hi gatesy08. Please do not post more than one copy of a thread, as this goes against our user guidelines & agreements.