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Weird symptoms. Sick or something else?

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 11:17 am
by FadedPassion
I've just been feeling sick the past few days. The last time I had sex was April 23. We didn't use a condom and he didn't finish inside me. I'm on birth control pills and I take them perfectly. On April 28 I felt suddenly sweaty and light headed and then it went away within an hour. The next day at night I had sudden severe sweating and the feeling like I was going to throw up. It came on very quickly and subsided within about 10 minutes. I felt a bit better the next day but I still feel slightly nauseous and the sides of my breasts are sore. Not really sure what's going on. My withdrawal bleed is due on May 8th. I've been on my pills for 7 months. I never felt nauseous or had sore breasts since being on my pill. It kind of worried me. I'm hoping I'm just getting sick.

Re: Weird symptoms. Sick or something else?

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 2:20 pm
by Karyn
Nausea and lightheadedness can have all sorts of causes: they might be related to your pill, they may not (and it might be completely coincidental that your breasts are sore). If these symptoms continue for more than a few days, the best thing to do is check in with a doctor.