Evap lines
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Evap lines
I have a question and Evap lines on pregnancy tests. I took one yesterday and clearly looked negative about 6 or 7 hours later I took it out of the trash and it look like a very faint skinny second line had appeared. Why do tests do this? It freaks me out! Can I trust that it was negative?
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Re: Evap lines
Most tests say what the time window is in which a test's results should be read, and when they may no longer be accurate.
My understanding of why evap lines happen is what it sounds like: urine evaporates quickly in that time, and that changes the coloration of how the result looks, or can create shadows, etc.
My understanding of why evap lines happen is what it sounds like: urine evaporates quickly in that time, and that changes the coloration of how the result looks, or can create shadows, etc.
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Re: Evap lines
Ok, so can i trust the negative rest because it was clearly negative at the 10 mins mark?
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Re: Evap lines
Yes, you can trust the result.
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Re: Evap lines
Great thanks, Karen!