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Spotting Between Periods

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 3:33 pm
by nereyn
Hi everyone!

I just want to know if anyone else has any knowledge or experience regarding my situation and perhaps have some peace of mind before I head to the doctor's office next week.

I've been spotting mostly old/dark brown blood and on some occasions, fresh light pink blood the past 5 days accompanied by light cramping. The amount isn't that much - a panty liner is fine and it feels like the start of my period but I'm not due for another week and a half since the spotting started. My last period was on the 18th and my period tracker app anticipates my next period to start on the 22nd. So far the tracker has been spot on. I have been sexually active but not unprotected. I'm not currently on any hormonal birth control.

My mind jumps to implantation bleeding but I haven't had any unprotected sex... I haven't been particularly stressed either nor have I had a new partner or tried new birth control.

I've never experienced spotting like this before so I'm not sure why this is happening and it is quite scary! Any ideas and similar experiences?

Re: Spotting Between Periods

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 10:59 am
by Heather
My best guess is that you simply may be having an early period.

Throughout life, changes to cycles at least a few times are common. That can mean a jump considerably back or forward, or even a skipped period if your cycle changes when it happens radically. The reproductive system is really sensitive to pretty much everything going on in our bodies and lives, even stuff we don't feel or think twice about, so won't only change, shift or just act funny sometimes due to pregnancy.

That said, see a healthcare provider when you are having unexplained bleeding is always a good idea, so I'd keep that appointment.