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Do I need Plan B?

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 11:51 am
by sporty23
This morning, my boyfriend and I had sex. He used a condom, pulled out, and then took off the condom to ejaculate on my back. This surprised me, and I immediately got up without thinking that it would drip down my buttocks. So because I felt the semen drip down my anus, and potentially contacting my vagina, I feel like I should get plan b. I have been on birth control for 3 months and have been taking it within 2 hours of 10am each day consistently. I also wiped the area, but am afraid if I missed some and this could make it's way to my vagina. Should I get plan b?

Re: Do I need Plan B?

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 1:19 pm
by Mo
Hi sporty23,

Since you're taking the birth control pill, there is nothing for Plan B to do - it's really only something we suggest if someone isn't already taking a hormonal form of birth control. The pill already gives you the same kind of protection you'd get from Plan B, and is in fact more effective than Plan B is on its own.

Re: Do I need Plan B?

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 2:41 pm
by sporty23
Thank you so much for your reply! So being on my combination pill, with my religious use of the pill, puts me at a good protection against pregnancy? I am asking this also because we are interested in not using condoms anymore. We will still pull out and I trust myself with how I take the pill. We have also both been tested for STDs. Is this okay for couples to do once the pill is being used for more than a month?

Also, why is it that plan b doesn't add any more protection when used with the pill?

Re: Do I need Plan B?

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 3:07 pm
by Mo
Whether or not you want to stop using condoms is really up to you - if you feel comfortable with the level of protection you'll get from just the Pill, or the Pill plus withdrawal, then it's fine to do that. Plenty of folks do just use one form of birth control, like the pill, and they feel totally comfortable with that; others find that they and their partners feel more secure using condoms as well. Since you and your partner are up to date on your testing, that's really what it comes down to.
This article about the effectiveness of various forms of birth control when used together may help; it has stats for the pill on its own and combined with withdrawal so you can compare: The Buddy System: Effectiveness Rates for Backing Up Your Birth Control With a Second Method

If you take a look at the articles we have on both the pill and Plan B, you'll see that they work in much the same way, and the pill offers protection in more ways than EC does:
Combined Oral Contraceptives (The Pill)
Emergency Contraception (Plan B or the Morning-After-Pill)
When you're on the pill, it's already working to keep you from ovulating, so taking Plan B won't add any protection you don't already have. Make sense?

Re: Do I need Plan B?

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 3:17 pm
by sporty23
Makes wonderful sense. Thank you, Mo!

Re: Do I need Plan B?

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 3:22 pm
by Mo
You're quite welcome!! :)