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Control Line

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 1:52 pm
by theatrebug
I took a first response pregnancy test today. It clearly only had one line, but the control line was a tiny bit more center than normal. Do you think it is still an accurate reading of a negative test?

Re: Control Line

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 2:33 pm
by Mo
Any time you have a question about the results of a specific test, the test manufacturer is going to be the best source of information regarding how that particular test works and what any result might mean, so for clarification you could contact them (there's usually a contact number on the package).

However, since you've had a lot of questions about pregnancy tests and have mentioned at least one other negative pregnancy test result you've gotten here, this sounds more like an issue of anxiety and fear around pregnancy than with tests being inaccurate. Take a look at this article, and see if any of what's written there sounds familiar to you; there are some strategies to use to combat anxiety about pregnancy from a few different sources and thoughts on what to do next, and I think that's going to be more helpful for you in the long run than taking a lot of tests that are likely to all turn out to be negative. You're Not Pregnant. Why Do You think You Are?

Re: Control Line

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 1:57 pm
by theatrebug
Hi Mo,
I contacted the manufacturer and they basically said one line = not pregnant and that sometimes their control lines move around a little bit.