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BC and antibiotics

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 1:48 am
by Sar10
I have been on a 7 day course of amoxicillin and due to finish this tomorrow. I am also on the pill, which I know has probably been less effective while I've been on the antibiotics. I have one more week left of pills in my pack with the last one due to be taken next Saturday, which is 8 days after my last antibiotic. For protection am I best to continue straight onto my next pack or will I still be protected if I have my pill free week? I am also due to change pill brand but both the new and old brands are combined pills.

Re: BC and antibiotics

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 5:40 am
by Sam W
Hi Sar10,

Continue to take your pills as directed, as taking your placebo week will not decrease the effectiveness. If you're concerned about interactions between antibiotics and your pill, check out this article: Something You Can Worry About Less: Interference and Hormonal Birth Control