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Dealing w/ Rejection

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 11:30 am
by Ashleah
There really isn't any other way to say it, rejection sucks. I can't imagine that it is fun for anyone, but I think it is something that we have all faced at one time or another. Understandable, rejection can really sour a mood and make it difficult to put yourself out there in the future. So what are some ways you have handled it?

Share any tips or experiences you might've had that could be helpful for someone dealing with rejection.

Re: Dealing w/ Rejection

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 5:41 pm
by Alice O
I was broken up with this winter, and felt sad about it for awhile, really wishing we were still involved or might get back together in the future. Today, I randomly thought of the guy, and had *zero* interest in us being sexually or romantically involved.

When the heartbreak, or sadness, is fresh--it helps to remember that you will move on! Even if you can't picture it right now, or understand exactly how you'll get there, you will...