Telling parents about birth control/ sex

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Telling parents about birth control/ sex

Unread post by Introvert »

So I know that many people here have asked similar questions on here but I just wanted to get your advice as my situation is kind of unique. I'm 21 but still living at home, and my parents have told me that they would support me in getting birth control but they just want me to keep them informed because they're worried about STD's and pregnancy. I want to tell them that I'm ready to go on birth control but I'm worried about what they'll think because they both hate my boyfriend, partly because he's 7 years older than me,but also because my parents know about his drug use and the fact that he is homeless (please don't judge) and I think my mom's still mad at him because once she saw us making out in public and she thought that meant he was going too fast and that he keeps "pushing my boundaries", although I do not feel this way. But I have known him for two years and we've been dating for two months and my boyfriend and I both feel that we are ready to have sex and he has even offered to take me to Planned Parenthood, so I want to tell my parents that I want to do this but I'm afraid they'll think it's too soon and that they'll hate my boyfriend even more, and plus I just don't know how to bring it up and I feel really awkward about it. Thanks.
Sam W
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Re: Telling parents about birth control/ sex

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Invisible,

What would happen if you went on birth control and then told them about it, given that you're 21 and it sounds like this is something you want to do? In other words, what would happen if the conversation was not "can I go on birth control" but "You two asked me to update you when this happened, so I'm telling you that I've chosen to go on birth control because I want to be as safe as possible going forward in my life." That makes the conversation more about a choice you've made to keep you safe both now and in the future, rather than about your specific boyfriend.

As for the general awkwardness, do you usually feel comfortable talking to one or both of your parents about sensitive topics and sex is the exception? Or is it uncomfortable regardless of the topics?
And you to whom adversity has dealt the final blow/with smiling bastards lying to you everywhere you go/turn to and put out all your strength of arm and heart and brain/and like the Mary Ellen Carter rise again.
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