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Am I too young to think myself lesbian?

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 12:11 pm
by ChocoKat
Um, hello. I'm 13 years old and I think I'm lesbian. This thought has been in my head for a while now, I realized that I seem to feel sexually attracted to my schoolmates (I go to a girls' school), and often imagine myself kissing or going out with a girl. I even think I have a crush on my best friend! I'm really confused and I want to tell my parents, but I don't know if it's actually just my hormones acting up, and I'm afraid what my parents' reactions would be if I did tell them anything. Am I too young to worry about these things?

Re: Am I too young to think myself lesbian?

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 2:40 pm
by Avondran
It's perfectly okay to have these feelings! I started questioning my sexuality around the age of 15 and realized that I liked girls and boys. Are you attracted to guys or is it just girls? Do you know your parents' attitude toward the LGBTQ community? It may be easier to tell them if they support the LGBTQ community.
It is up to you if you want to tell your parents and you don't necessarily have to if you don't feel comfortable talking to them about your sexuality or just don't want to. I hope that helped and good luck!!

Re: Am I too young to think myself lesbian?

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 7:00 pm
by thewrit3r
Avondran left a great response, and I just wanted to add my own:

I don't think you're "too young" to know if you're sexually attracted to women; I don't think you need to be a certain as to recognize your sexuality. Sexual attraction is a personal experience that really can only be defined by you. It also can change over the years, which is why some people use the term "sexually fluid" for their sexuality. I know when I was about 14 I started wondering if I was bisexual when I noticed how attractive women were, so no matter what age you are you may never be "sure" what your sexuality is because attraction can change over time.

As far as if you're lesbian or not, that depends on how you personally feel the label applies to you (if you feel like it fits you). You could always change the label if it doesn't fit you as much as time goes by - sexuality is not always "fixed" and you learn a little more about your feelings as time goes by.

As far as telling your parents, it depends on how you feel they would react. Like Avondran said, if they're supportive of LGBT+ community, then it likely won't be a problem coming out to them. If you're not sure how they'd react, or you're not comfortable telling them, you don't have to. You could find someone else to tell if you feel more comfortable, but again you don't have to tell anyone. Sexuality is personal, as I mentioned earlier, so it's really up to you whether you want to tell anyone.