Spotting after period

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Spotting after period

Unread post by Jellowl »


This usually doesn't happen once my period is done. I never have spotting once it stops, it's completly gone. I do have spotting before but never after, is this normal?

I am on Birth Control and use it to prevent pregnancy as well as regulate my period. Could I just be reacting a little differently this month? As an added note, I am sick with a nasty cough/cold right now; not sure if me being sick affects this in any way.

Thanks for the advice, have a nice day!
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Re: Spotting after period

Unread post by Heather »

Never say never when it comes to periods! It's especially not sound to figure that something you'll likely have for decades, but only have had for a few years, will always be the same, or that how things have been in those first few years is how they will stay. Being on the pill also doesn't mean cycles will always be the same.

As you know from reading your pill insert, spotting is a common side effect. As well, sometimes people do experience spotting after periods or at other times during their cycle. Unless you aren't up to date with your STI tests and this is more than a one-off, it's not likely anything to be concerned about.
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