Weird uncomfortable feeling during sex

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Weird uncomfortable feeling during sex

Unread post by audreylinen »

My boyfriend and I had sex yesterday, and we tried various positions but there was this uncomfortable feeling every time he went all the way in. I think he was hitting my cervix? Kind of like a peeing feeling, but not really. It's like pain in another form, such that I feel relieved when it stops. Is it normal to have this feeling and is it stopping me from feeling pleasure? Or is that supposed to be pleasure? I'm confused :(
Alice O
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Re: Weird uncomfortable feeling during sex

Unread post by Alice O »

hi audreylinen,

there is no way for me to know for sure what was happening, but from what you're describing it is quite possible his penis was hitting your cervix. and yes, this is often uncomfortable!

this is a great resource that addresses painful intercourse: From OW! to WOW! Demystifying Painful Intercourse

as you will see, point #3 from this article asks: "are you highly aroused well BEFORE any sort of vaginal entry begins?". i'd like to add in response to your post that when we are aroused, our cervix actually pulls back, making it less likely to be irritated during penetration.

after giving that article a read, i'm wondering: what is your sense about what was causing the pain?

also, from your previous posts it sounds like this was your first time having this type of sex. are there any other questions or concerns you have?
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