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Pill worries

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 7:45 am
by Angeldelight123
I need advice on the pill. I always have this thought every month that I may ovulate without knowing it and get pregnant. I know the pill's primary function is to prevent ovulation, but I'm always scared that for some reason ovulation will still happen and I'll get pregnant. I've never missed a pill or taken one late, nor vomited or took a medication that will affect my pill and I also use condoms any time I have sex. The reason for this worry in particular is because I had sex a few days after my 7-day break (in other words, the 6th pill of the new packet) and according to a period tracker I use, that day would've been the start of my fertile period. I keep overanalysing every symptom I have in my body too and I can't stop I just feel so scared. Should I even be worrying? Please help, id like some reassurance.

Re: Pill worries

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 7:59 am
by Sam W
Hi Angeldelight,

If you're still seeing your therapist, have the two of you made any progress on identifying and addressing the underlying causes of this anxiety? Also, does you period tracker have you measuring things like body temperature and cervical mucus?

Re: Pill worries

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 8:03 am
by Angeldelight123
I've not had an appointment with my therapist since May and my next session isn't for another 3 weeks so I'm stuck right now.
& nope, my period tracker just asks for the date of my last period and how long each cycle lasts which in my case is 28 days since I'm on the pill.

Re: Pill worries

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 8:12 am
by Sam W
Got it. In that case, I'd suggest planning on the focus of you next session being addressing this issue, since it's clearly causing you a lot of stress. In the mean time, doing some self-care might mitigate some of what you're feeling: Self-Care a La Carte

If your tracker is only asking for dates, then it's not going to be that accurate. The most accurate way of tracking is through something called the Fertility Awareness Method, which can give you more information about if you're interested in trying it.

Re: Pill worries

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 8:17 am
by Angeldelight123
But would ovulation still be possible on the pill? That's kind of what my question is about, I just need to know if it can happen despite perfect use.

Re: Pill worries

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 8:31 am
by Sam W
It can occur, as sometimes ovulation isn't suppressed during a specific cycle. That's why the pill is designed to work in three ways, so that if ovulation does happen you still have the other two ways keeping you from getting pregnant.