Heavier bleeding on the pill?

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Heavier bleeding on the pill?

Unread post by starryeyes »

Hey, I've been taking Quasense (or other generics of the same formulation) for about two years now. Before the pill, my periods were light and I never had any pain, but I started taking the pill to deal with PMS and for protection. I usually get around 20 days of spotting with each pack. I know spotting is to be expected from 13 week pills, though 20 days seems like a lot. I mentioned it to my GP and he didn't seem concerned, but I didn't think to mention it to my OBGYN later on. It doesn't bother me that much, and has gotten less frequent over time.

However, the thing that I am worried about is my withdrawal period. It's shorter than my period used to be, but much heavier and I get cramps on the first day or two of bleeding during my placebo pill week. It's not debilitating or anything, but I feel worried because everyone I know gets a lighter period from the pill. I've tried to do some research but haven't come across any anecdotes of people who also experienced this ):

Is it a problem that I have a heavier withdrawal period? I can deal with it but I don't know if it's a bad sign of other issues, especially after so long on the pill. Thanks for any advice and assurance!
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Re: Heavier bleeding on the pill?

Unread post by Heather »

Lighter periods -- like, say acne reduction or bloating -- are common side effects of combined oral contraceptives. A lot of people experience them, but others don't.

However, Quasense is an extended-cycle pill, and one of the most common side effects, as you know with those are mid-cycle bleeding or frequent spotting. It also can happen with those that you start skipping periods altogether.

It sounds like you have had a healthcare provider look into this and assure you they don't have any cause for concern. But if this isn't something you want, you may find you have better luck with standard OCPs (28-day cycle packs). Perhaps bring it up with your GYN?
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