Is it okay/healthy for me to use a prostate massager?

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Is it okay/healthy for me to use a prostate massager?

Unread post by Restrained2001 »

I bought a prostate massager online yesterday (it's called the "Aneros Helix Syn") as I have been curious about the fabled "super O" or prostate orgasm for a while now. However, I'm not sure about the risks associated with using it, especially since I'm only 15.
I'd also like some advice on where to hide it once it arrives in it's "discreet packaging."

Thanks in advance :D
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Re: Is it okay/healthy for me to use a prostate massager?

Unread post by Heather »

The risks of using it mostly boil down to possible injury or infection.

You can avoid the latter by just always covering it with a condom when you use it or, if you don't do that, being sure to keep it clean.

You can avoid the former by a) always using PLENTY of lubricant when you use it, and b) only doing with it what feels good. If anything hurts, just stop: pain is generally your body's way of letting you know when something isn't right. If pain or discomfort happens, stop what you're doing and try something different to find what feels right. :)
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Re: Is it okay/healthy for me to use a prostate massager?

Unread post by Orynel »

When starting out about 2 months ago, I read everything on the internet I could about it. I Googled "prostate orgasm" and "prostate milking" again and again and read all I could, even the same articles sometimes over again. I started with fingers and vibrators, and my first sessions were lasting about 6 or 7 hours! I'd start around 10 or 11pm at night and not finish until 4 or 5am! This was just me being "bound and determined." I lost sleep, and my leg muscles became sore from being spread eagle so long. Actually, I only went thru about 3 or 4 sessions like this. Eventually, I got them down to 4 hours, then 3, and now they're at about 2 to 2.5. Everyone is may discover your "groove" for massaging your prostate in one or two sessions, or it may take you several dozen. Be careful not to injure yourself in there, as it is very delicate I discovered. Read all you can about it before starting. Its worth it. Often feels like your very first orgasm! I guess thats why they call it the "male G-spot!" There are also a lot of videos out there on the Tubes if you google it. Watch as many as possible. Best of luck!
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