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so you're not supposed to use soap on your vagina...

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 6:04 pm
by dinosaur.girl7
...or vulva, rather

here's the problem: I can't not use it. I legitimately can't. I feel really gross if I don't, even though I KNOW the vagina is self-cleaning and all your vulva needs is to be washed with warm water. I know it isn't rational - it's some combination of anxiety, or OCD, or whatever, and I'm looking for a therapist + psychiatrist to deal with all that but in the mean time I just... don't know what to do. I know it isn't good for me to be washing with soap, but I physically can't not use SOMETHING.

so my question is: is there ANY kind of soap/wash/etc that's safe to use on my vulva? right now I'm just using my regular dove body wash, which is the only thing that doesn't irritate the hell out of me and make peeing feel like I'm being stabbed. I've seen washes and stuff specifically for vaginas in CVS and stuff, but I've also seen douches in stores and I know those are really bad for you, so I don't really know what to trust.

help :(

Re: so you're not supposed to use soap on your vagina...

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 7:41 am
by Sam W
Hi dinosaur.girl,

The general recommendation is a scent free cleanser to wash the labia, as that's unlikely to cause any irritation. However, using a scented one isn't automatically unsafe, and if the one you're using now isn't causing you pain or irritation, you can continue to use it without fear. There are a few other hygiene suggestions in this article: Honorably Discharged: A Guide to Vaginal Secretions

Re: so you're not supposed to use soap on your vagina...

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 10:26 am
by dinosaur.girl7
Thank you so much!! So the soap I use pretty much consistently is dove body wash that's either the "original" kind or the "sensitive skin" kind. I've always thought it was fine, but I'm very prone to UTIs and lately I've been getting them for seemingly no reason? Like I just had one and my only symptom was "felt like I always had to pee even if I didn't" and I just finished the medication and was feeling better and the NEXT DAY I have symptoms again :( Google tells me it could be the soap, so I kinda want to switch just to be safe - is there any soap in particular you'd recommend?

Re: so you're not supposed to use soap on your vagina...

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 10:35 am
by Karyn
It's possible that the soap is irritating the entrance to your urethra and making UTIs more likely, so switching soaps is definitely worth a try. Something like Dr Bronner's is usually pretty non-irritating for most folks: it's a castile soap (made with olive oil or coconut oil) and those tend to be quite gentle. If you can't find Dr Bronner's, look for a vegetable-oil-based soap with as few ingredients as possible and no fragrances.

Have you also spoken to your doctor about the recurrent UTIs? It may be that this time the infection didn't quite go away and you need another round of antibiotics, but what's sometimes also done for folks who get them frequently is a daily low dose of antibiotics for several months, rather than treatment just when symptoms pop up.

Re: so you're not supposed to use soap on your vagina...

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 10:49 am
by dinosaur.girl7
Awesome! Thank you so much, I'll order some right away.

And I was actually just about to call my doctor! He said to let him know if the symptoms didn't stop. I've heard of the low dose of antibiotics, and I might give it a try, although if possible I'd like to avoid it just to avoid the risk of my body building up an immunity to it

Re: so you're not supposed to use soap on your vagina...

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 10:55 am
by Karyn
Definitely get in touch with your doctor, and see what he recommends. I understand wanting to avoid the longer-term use of antibiotics, but that's something to bring up with your doctor too - there are pros and cons, to be sure, but a healthcare provider will be able to give you the best information on your options.

We also have a piece on UTIs that you might want to have a look at: Out, Out Damn UTI!

Re: so you're not supposed to use soap on your vagina...

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 11:17 am
by dinosaur.girl7
I talked to him and he's gonna put me on another round of antibiotics, and then I'm going to go in in around a week or so to give another sample and we'll talk about it.

Thank you so much for the help!!! And I'll read the article right away :)

Re: so you're not supposed to use soap on your vagina...

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 11:21 am
by Karyn
You're very welcome. :)