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Possible pill damage?

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 9:42 pm
by Quickquestion7
Hi I went to take my birth control pills a few days ago and thought they seemed lighter in color. I kinda brushed it off and thought I was being paranoid until tonight when I compared my pill to one from my backup pack. It was definitely a little bit lighter (my pills are blue). I'm towards the end of my pack and I usually keep it in a small makeup bag. I also try to keep it out of the heat, but sometimes I have to bring it with me in my purse if I'm going out somewhere so I'm wondering if maybe this is a sign of heat damage? Or could it just be because the pack has been pressed against things in the bag/purse and some of the outer coating has been rubbed off? I haven't had any spotting (which I know can happen when your pills aren't as effective/if you skip a pill) but I started taking pills from my backup pack just in case.

Re: Possible pill damage?

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 7:43 am
by Sam W
Hi quickquestion,

It is possible that this is some normal variation in how the pills are produced, or that coating rubbed off or faded. If you're concerned, I would call you pharmacist and ask them if this is cause for concern. In addition to using a back-up pack (or if you'd rather not use your back up pack), you could also back up with condoms for the time being as added protection.