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Pregnancy Test-5 seconds longer than required. Big deal?

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 10:13 pm
by Katzuniga
Today I took a pregnancy test 3 weeks and 2 days after the last time I had sex. I am currently on Depo-Provera and decided to have unprotected sex at that time, never again( BC + Condoms is the way to go)
Anyway, I used the cup method and dipped only the absorbent tip into the urine. However I did go above the limit of 20 seconds to about 24-25 seconds. I know it's not THAT much however right when I took it out I immediately got a test result showing Negative. Almost like the result appeared while still in urine
The result window appeared first as (-) which is Negative and then the control window appeared ( | ) after a few seconds. I found this to be a bit odd since
1) the result window showed up first
2) the result appeared while still in urine (immediate results)

There are many reasons why a pregnancy test could be true or not but it's so tedious having to make sure.
Is too much time important? Does a few seconds really impact it?
Is it a pregnancy test wrong if the result window appears first? Ive heard the control window MUST show up first.
It would say positive if I was right? It's been more than 14 days since sex

I hope I'm not stupid, but I've been looking online and nothing. I only bought one test so I can't take another for awhile

Re: Pregnancy Test-5 seconds longer than required. Big deal?

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 7:47 am
by Sam W
Hi Katzuniga,

For some of the specific questions, your best bet is to consult the information that came with the test or call the company hotline (which is usually on the package or online). It's unlikely that a few seconds matters, but if you're concerned you could take a second test and pay strict attention to the time. Is there a reason you can't buy another test right now?

If you're having difficulty finding information on pregnancy tests, this article may help you: Peeing on a Stick: All About Pregnancy Tests

Also, just to check: are you and your partner up to date on your STI testing?