Upset stomach affect BC pills?

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Upset stomach affect BC pills?

Unread post by Jellowl »

I have a bit of an upset stomach right now. I did have one bout of runny stool last night, but the rest is more loose but still together (this is a little gross, sorry! :? )
Anyway, I've been told that if you have runny stool on BC it can affect the effectivness of the pill. Do you think my symptoms would affect the absorbtion of the pill or would it have to be a constant runny stool situation to make it less effective?
Sam W
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Re: Upset stomach affect BC pills?

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Jellowl,

If you vomit or have diarrhea (specifically diarrhea, not just stool that is looser than normal) within 2-3 hours of taking your pill, the pill may not have been absorbed. If you're concerned this might have happened, you can consult your pill pack for what to do to make up the pill, and use condoms as a back-up method for the next little while.
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