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Contraceptive method: injection

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 3:43 pm
by Inchy
I have been on the injection for nearly three months now and i still am confused about the risk of pregnacy while being on the contraceptive injection.i have a few questions:

1) Is precum a pregnancy risk in any situation now that I'm on the injection?
2)Is it a pregnancy risk if semen comes in direct contact with my vagina now that im on the injection?
3)Is it a pregnancy risk if semen comes close to the outside of my vagina now that im on the injection?
4)Does using a second contraceptive method like a condom correctly completely prevent pregancy from occuring?

I am a bit confused.i read an article on your site and it help me understand how the injection affects my body so I know that, its just I am unsure about the specifications on how much of a risk there is with regard to semen and contact because it says it is 96-99% effective in preventing pregnancy I just want to know how those other 1-4% cases became pregnant and what could be a pregnancy risk while I am on the injection.
Thank u so so much for taking the time to read my post. Your advise would be so helpful.

Re: Contraceptive method: injection

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 3:56 pm
by Heather
With a method like the injection, those on the low end of yearly effectiveness -- that 96% -- most often will have become pregnant because they just didn't get their shots on time. That's pretty much the only way a user can goof it up. With those using it perfectly, those failures happen because for some people -- thought they're a rare group -- hormonal methods or some hormonal methods just don't always get "obeyed" by the body, for lack of a better word.

Any of those things you have listed up there are always pregnancy risks and that doesn't change for people using any method of contraception (or even any two -- no method or combination of methods gets us to 100% effectiveness, because no method is 100% effective). What changes is how MUCH of a risk there is, and with the injection, as you know, that's a risk of less than 1% in one year if you get shots on time, and less if you don't. And, if you back up with condoms, which is always smart anyway, you do get as close to 100% protection against pregnancy as there can be.

If you want NO risk of pregnancy whatsoever, though, the only way to get that is not to have genital-to-genital contact, or genital contact with the fluids of the penis, period.