Possible UTI

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Possible UTI

Unread post by Jellyfish777 »

The past few days I've been having a frequent urge to urinate despite having literally just urinated or not drinking much water. It's not like a full-on or constant feeling, it just feels weird often throughout the day. Plus, it has burnt or genuinely hurt on rare occasion. I finished my withdrawl bleed about 5 days ago, plus I have no other pregnancy symptoms so am I right in thinking this is probably something more like a UTI or stress-related? What should I do if it is a UTI; should I take a pregnancy test to completely rule out pregnancy or should I just go to my doctor to get tested for a UTI?
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Re: Possible UTI

Unread post by Jacob »

Hi Jellyfish!

Here's our article on UTIs:

Out, Out Damn UTI!

I hope that helps!

Also to remind you...

We will not answer ANY questions about pregnancy fear or anxiety in our direct services from users who are not pregnant or who are not or have not otherwise been directly involved with an actual pregnancy.

We lock threads that go down that route so I would direct you to these resources for any concerns you have about that and ask you not to post them here:

The Pregnancy Panic Companion.
For help with anxiety, click here.
For related help and information at Scarleteen, click here.
If you would like more information about this policy, click here.
"In between two tall mountains there's a place they call lonesome.
Don't see why they call it lonesome.
I'm never lonesome when I go there." Connie Converse - Talkin' Like You
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