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Soft in bed

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2017 7:10 am
by Butterjelly
My boyfriend just started having sex 3 months ago. I'm his first and only. He's noticed that when we're having sex he either "cums right away" or gets soft before one of us finishes.
I think and tell him that 3 months isn't long enough to fully understand his body's habits. Some of the stuff we've read online has him worried that he has an enlarged prostate. Namely, that he always has to pee in the middle of the night, and now this. Is there any one reason he's getting soft? Is there any way to find out why?

Re: Soft in bed

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2017 7:48 am
by Sam W
Hi Butterjelly,

You were smart to mention to him that he's new to sex with another person, so he's still learning how his body responds to different things. There's probably different factors contributing to this, both in his body and in his brain, although if he's genuinely concerned about symptoms he's having, then he should check-in with a healthcare provider.

These two articles might help both him and you understand some of what's behind both "premature" ejaculation and difficulty maintaining an erection: ED: Why You Don't Have to Get So Down About Not Getting It Up ... jaculation