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What counts as 'perfect use'?

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 7:32 pm
by Jellowl
When using any contraceptive, there's aways talk of 'perfect' and 'typical' use. What classifies as perfect use when looking at the BC pill? So far I believe I have been using it in perfect use, taking it everyday and such.

Example: The person has taken the pill everyday, never missed it and has taken it on time or within a 2hr time frame (i.e: they take it at 8pm, once and a while they take it at 10pm instead); does this count as perfect use? As in, will this person have the maximum percent of protection against pregnancy?

Re: What counts as 'perfect use'?

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 8:56 pm
by al
Hi Jellowl,

"Perfect use" in terms of birth control is usually defined as taking it consistently according to the manufacturer's directions. We generally say there is a 12 hour grace period for the combination pill and a 3 hour grace period for the minipill (progestin-only), so yes, your example would constitute perfect use. If you have more questions about your specific medication, you should refer to the information provided with it or your pharmacist.