Fisting Woes

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Fisting Woes

Unread post by OhHeckDatGurl »

Aye! Thank you so much for this site! Alright, well... here goes...

Just the other day my boyfriend attempted to fist my vagina. He got all five fingers in to the knuckles--the widest part of his hand. I loved it and wanted it... but when he pulled out there was brown discharge flaked on his hand. I discharged a bit--there was a tiny amount of blood--but otherwise I felt fine. (I had just finished my period two days before this activity.)

My problem is--he wasn't wearing gloves. And today I woke up and my brown discharge was super heavy. I read somewhere else fisting can lead to fertility issues, infections, and all other types of bad things!!

Am I gonna get an infection? Did he scratch my vagina? Should I tell a doctor what I did? I really want to do it again, but only if I know it's gonna be safe. Help!!! And thank you so, so much for this site, again!!!
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Re: Fisting Woes

Unread post by Jacob »

Hi OhHeckDatGurl,

The brown discharge is very likely just left-over blood from your period, and hence not caused by the fisting so much as just dislodged by the activity and your being arroused and hence lubricated, wherever it was hiding.

If you were physically comfortable, and enjoying what was going on, and not experiencing anything painful then it's unlikely you injured yourself in anyway.

Fisting as you describe it also doesn't pose much extra in the way of risks, compared to any other manual sex with fewer fingers.

We would list it with 'manual sex' as in this list: STI Risk Assessment: The Cliff's Notes

You can reduce that risk by using gloves (and incorporating some medical role play if that helps!)

Also for more information about discharge see here:

Honorably Discharged: A Guide to Vaginal Secretions
"In between two tall mountains there's a place they call lonesome.
Don't see why they call it lonesome.
I'm never lonesome when I go there." Connie Converse - Talkin' Like You
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