Weight and Birth control

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Weight and Birth control

Unread post by Jellowl »

I read somewhere that if you are above a certain weight, your pill will be less effective in preventing pregnancy. Is this true or some sort of phoney fact?

When I started the pill 8 months ago, I was 143lbs; I am now 153lbs. My doctor did say that I should expect a growth in my appetite and that I may notice some weight gain in the future, around 10lbs or so (Spoilers; he predicted, it happened. Not too upset about that). I'm around 5'6'' in height with a weight of 153lbs; do you think this would cause a shift in the effectiveness?

No worries if you don't have an answer, but I hope you have a great day! :D
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Re: Weight and Birth control

Unread post by Heather »

Here's the scoop: when prescribing any medication to patient, the prescribing physician or ANRP takes height and weight into account. So, with medications whose efficacy does vary based on body size, they will be prescribing accordingly to assure your pill will work for you.

There has been some lack of study with combined hormonal methods (specifically the patch) for those over a certain weight, but you're not at that weight (it's over 165 pounds, if you're curious).
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