Light Period for second month in a row?

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Light Period for second month in a row?

Unread post by hiim.maria »

Hi guys!
Long time Scarleteen user here!
So, as the title suggests, I've had a very light period lately. I'll start off by saying that this month and last were very stressful. I worry a lot by nature. While my period last month did start on time according to my app, and lasted the same amount of time it usually does, it was LIGHT. I usually use thick pads but I was usually the ultra thin pads from always the whole duration of it!
Today, I got my period and I noticed it seemed very "dry" and it was very brown when I did change my pad a few hours later. My period will usually get heavier within just a few hours of it being light but so far, still seems kinda light.
My body doesn't feel different so I'm not sure if it's hormonal? I think I'd be able to tell if something was wrong but I'm not totally sure??
Thank you so much!
Sam W
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Re: Light Period for second month in a row?

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi hiim.maria,

Some variation in flow from period to period is normal, so as of now it doesn't sound like this is cause for concern. If your period ceases completely for a few months that would be a different issue, but a few months of light periods is nothing to worry about.
And you to whom adversity has dealt the final blow/with smiling bastards lying to you everywhere you go/turn to and put out all your strength of arm and heart and brain/and like the Mary Ellen Carter rise again.
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