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Lower back pain

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 8:22 am
by ayle1257
Hey there , i am not new here but i forgot my other username and stuff, so had to make a new account... any ways this is not what i am writing this question for . i am actually 15 years old and i am having severe lower back pain starting from the upper starting point of the buttocks where the back bone meets the bottocks bone. i thought it is the cause of masturbation or having sex or some other sexual disorder but now it is clear that i avoided all sorts of sexual contact for a week or two, but the pain started still. it rules out the sex part of course. so i need to know what could really be causing this pain, in detail and need to fix it plz. thanx . quick answer will be appreciated...

Re: Lower back pain

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 8:41 am
by Sam W
Hi muhammada,

This is something you will need to see a health care provider about, as they are the only ones who can diagnose this.

You are, however, correct that this is not caused by something like masturbation. Masturbation is alone is not going to cause physical pain (and if it is, that's a sign that something else is wrong).

Re: Lower back pain

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 8:56 am
by ayle1257
thats true. but there is one more thing that i wanna add. when ever i am sitting or walking i am very much or too much in straight or chest out position all the time. so i have been told that your back pain is the cause of your spinal cord being too much straight. and i think that whenever i sit alittle leaned forward, my pain goes away. so what do you think. even today in the school bus there was pain and my brother told me to lean forward and within minutes my pain was gone. Thanks for your reply, waiting....

Re: Lower back pain

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 9:32 am
by Jacob
Hi Muhammada!

Sadly we're not a back doctor!

But can you find anyone near you who can help?

Re: Lower back pain

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 9:55 am
by ayle1257
nope not at all. just tell me plz leaning forwards seems to fix it for time. does that mean i need to go on a lttle leaned in walking and sitting etc?

Re: Lower back pain

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 9:30 pm
by Jacob
Muhammada I'm sorry we just can't help as this isn't what we do here.

We do sex education for teenagers!